Heart Reflections Live
Monday, May 07, 2012
A Return to Blogging
I would like to thank everyone who lifted up prayers of intercession for my brother, Mark, who I posted about last November. Mark did have cancer, and was adamant that he did not want surgery, chemo or radiation- only natural therapies. He spent a week in hospital after collapsing soon after Christmas, had some tests done, then discharged himself. I was so worried. It was made harder by the fact that he didn't want me to see him so sick, and only allowed visits with my parents. Prayer was my only option- I prayed fervently.
I was told he was going to stay with friends out at the coast to recuperate.
I prayed that
God would put Christians around him, surround him with his peace, manifest His Presence to Mark, and to have mercy upon Mark.
God answered every point of my prayer. Mark's friend who invited him to stay was a fellow believer in Christ! He cared for my brother physically, when he was no longer able to walk, showing God's mercy in practical ways. He tried to get my brother to seek medical help, but brother dear was too stubborn.. Mark was happy to be there and felt so much peace. Best of all 2 weeks before he passed away peacefully, Mark prayed-without being pushed in the slightest way-and made Jesus Christ his Lord and Saviour. His friend testified to this at his funeral and subsequently shared the Gospel with around 2oo people! I will be forever thankful to the man God used to bring my brother into His Kingdom, and I will continue to worship our God who is indeed Mighty to Save!!

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