Heart Reflections Live
Thursday, June 10, 2010
What We've Been Up To....
Our little family is keeping me very busy these days, what with homeschooling, housekeeping, and caring for hubby,girls and twins. Our boys are growing sooo big sooo quickly- only 18months old and already in size 2s!!! They are going to be so tall. We'll be getting them measured soon at our next doctors visit.
The girls are learning so much with homeschool. They are already becoming self-motivated learners. Like their Mama and Daddy, their noses are rarely out of a book, and like me their book piles are accumulating!!
I still love to read- mainly Christian books and classics, but my piles shrink at a much slower rate than in times gone by. Besides my Bible, I'm currently reading Spurgeon's Morning by Morning; Edith Schaeffer's The Art of Living; The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer and John Calvin, His Life ,Teaching and Influence- I find books on The Reformation fascinating. I've recently finished Abide In Christ by Andrew Murray-LOVED IT, The God of All Comfort by Hannah Whitall Smith, and For The Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay. It may sound like a lot, but believe me they took a long time to read!
We recently took the girls on a family excursion to a working dairy farm, and they got to help wash the cows' teats and to have a go at hand milking- they were so excited! I had the boys in the pram, so I couldn't get as close. Max got some great pics. The Jersey cows were absolutely beautiful,big brown eyes, and of course we got to take home some REAL unadulterated milk-there is nothing like it in my opinion-YUM!!!
Our thrifting expeditions have borne wonderful fruit lately- God has truly blessed us in needs and wants. We'd been wanting to upgrade our dining table for some time from a six seater to an eight, even though the boys are still in highchairs at the moment. We got a new to us pine colonial setting for an unbelievable price-lovely heavy table and very comfortable chairs. My husband also found a vintage/antique/very heavy oil lamp to grace it at a Collectorama. We're big Little House on the Prairie fans here, and it looks pretty close to the one the Ingalls family had in the TV series.
Oh! and for the grand sum of twenty dollars, my bargain hunting hubby also picked up a bowed front 1950's china cabinet. I love antiques, but have a soft spot for mid-20th century vintage too! :-)
We went to a garage sale that was on behalf of an elderly couple just moved into a nursing home. What was left needed to be sold quickly, so they could secure a rental income, so we were invited to :Take what you like for $20! I did. I had to show restraint and keep in mind the amount of-no lack of- space we have at home, but we came out with a beautiful 8 piece dinner service, a 1950s hairdryer complete with book, a vintage cannister, some hardly used 70s tupperware,some peach FireKing for my collection, and some framed sketches. We've also done really well lately building our library- more vintage books for our children, including Christian ones, and other books and material to use in the future for homeschool. I'm starting to wonder why people would want to buy ANYTHING new-except maybe underwear and shoes!!! LOL
On a more serious note, Max needed another cardio-inversion early Monday morning, but God brought him through again. He's now had a total of 38! Does anyone out there in Blogland know of anyone else who has had a lot of these? I'm very curious...
Must go I've rambled on long enough about our very ordinary, but very blessed lives.
Labels: Books, family, homeschooling, vintage

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