We had one of those topsy-turvey days you couldn't plan on yesterday...
Hubby woke up at 2am and realized immediately that his heart had ticked over into Aterial Fibulations and we had another emergency on our hands. After praying for the time it would take for the ambulance to get him to Emergency and packing his hospital things, I went back to bed, managed to get a little more sleep and was up before 6am. I rang the hospital to check on his condition before getting the children up, and I was able to speak to him briefly, as he had been stablized, but not Fixed yet.
Our children both prayed for Daddy as we had a quick breakfast and prepared for a longer than usual time at the hospital, while we awaited what would be his 20th Cardio-inversion and recovery. Needless to say I cancelled school for Talitha that day and packed them both a lunch.
After reminders of being on their best behaviour as there are many sick people in Coronary Care, the girls were excellent sitting on the floor with their Little Golden Books.
After Max was "fixed" ( yet again), I took the girls to my parents place for a few hours to chill out and de-stress. And de-stress they did! running rampant as they dealt with their own stresses in their own childish ways. I just about needed to de-stress myself again after that afternoon!
But how good they were again at the hospital on our return! Talitha tried to help 2 members of staff when they dropped things, and they helped a sweet little boy of about 2 years of age stay amused as he was also waiting in CCU as a visitor. Fortunately the ward was nearly empty as they staged an impromptu concert- "The Roberts Sisters" singing "Jesus Loves the Little Children", followed by Hillsongs "One Way Jesus" (she learned that one at school) and a Hi-5 number we had to can as they got a little too exuberant! Talitha even shared her one cookie with the little boy.
Our children have their days like any kids when they can be sooo naughty, but it fills our hearts with gratefullness to God, when we see their loving care and service for others and simple faith-filled prayers on what was such a difficult and stress filled day. We are all grateful too that once again the Lord has seen fit to allow my husband and their Daddy more time to live and glorify God this side of heaven.
I thought you'd enjoy this photo of our girls playing under their Snow Tree Cubby in our front garden. They truly bring us so much joy!!
Labels: family, Talitha, testing times, Zara
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
10:34 am
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