Heart Reflections Live
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
A Peaceful Australian Christmas and New Year

We've had a lovely Christmas/ New Year Season this year, celebrating with family and close friends.
For my overseas readers who may be interested, Christmas in sunny Queensland is usually HOT! This year it was not, with a "low" (potential cyclone) hovering off the Queensland Coast. Not only didn't we need our airconditioner, we were digging out warm clothes as well, to suit the very wet, windy conditions we've had! We also had a "white" Christmas of sorts too, as where we live, high in the hills, gets very cloudy, misty and nice in bad weather. Many Aussies celebrate Christmas on the beach with prawns and a BBQ (It's not unusual in Australia to see images of Santa Clause in board shorts and thongs (flip-flops) ). However, some Aussies- like us- take a more traditional approach and have a lovely set table, roast vegetables and a combination of ham on the bone and cold chicken. We have traditional plum pudding and custard for dessert. I feel sorry for all the tourists who came to south east Queensland for Christmas this year. Many of the beaches were closed and are now badly eroded.
Anyway, Christmas morning started for us with Church, and then coming home to finish preparing the meal. We were joined by my Mum, Dad, younger brother, and our friend Michael from church. After lunch came our present opening ceremony- much anticipated by Miss 3!. Why wait till the afternoon? It's one way we keep things more Christ-centred, and it's so much nicer having my extended family present too.
We gave our girls 2 sets each this year of imitation bakeware/ cookware- all in metal and ceramic! We couldn't believe how little they cost too! Last year we gave Zara the chinese cooking set in the same brand, and it's still being played with. They're sturdy too. Talitha can stand on the metal pieces and they won't break or bend. They are playing with them almost constantly.
Our children like simple toys. I do too, I confess. Why would I spend a fortune on a gameboy, X-box, or PC 3 and more on games, when a few simple cooking toys and active imaginations can occupy them for hours. Simplicity rules!
Oh! I must tell you what hubby bought me! He and I decided to wait for the sales to get our presents, as we'd strove to avoid the commercialism, hype and crowds pre-Christmas, with my hubby only going shopping twice for a few things on his own. I got a new cordless kettle, a gorgeous teapot ( our first in 7 years of marriage), and a beautiful vintage style green and cream ceramic mixing bowl. I felt quite spoilt!
Boxing Day brought some lovely Christian fellowship. We spent most of the day with good friends from Finland, Markus, Kaisa and their 2 little girls Saara and Alisa. We were treated to some delightful Finnish Christmas Fare and really enjoyed it. Our children really enjoyed trying the food from another culture as well, and had a lovely afternoon playing in Saara's tent and climbing trees!
New Years Eve was a quiet affair for us. Usually we can see fireworks from our sunroom, but since all displays were cancelled due to the weather, we had a peaceful evening reading and reflecting on the goodness of God, and then enjoyed the blessing of a peaceful nights sleep- and no, we didn't even sit up to midnight!
How was your Christmas and New Year?
Labels: Christian Fellowship, Christmas

Hello Claire, I've had a greay holiday this season. I especially enjoyed New year's eve. I spent it at church, as always. We had the young men of our church preach and enjoyed signing hymns in between. We then played bible pictionary, and when the clock stroke midnight, we all went up to the altar and prayed on our knees. We then resumed to more signing!!
I do wish you and your family a very blessed 2008!!!
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