Heart Reflections Live
Friday, November 03, 2006
Catch the Vision- We're Nation Builders!!

I've really been enjoying the latest edition of "Above Rubies" magazine. It always encourages me, lifts me & often admonishes me to do better in my roles as Helpmeet & Mother, with much practical insight.
Nancy Campbell's main focus this edition is the family meal table & how important it is.I was bowled over by the Quote she included on the back cover by S D Gordon...
"A father & mother living together with their children, tender in their love, pure in their lives, strong in their convictions, simple & orderly in their habits, do infinately more than presidents & governors, legislators, educators & clergymen can do in making a strong nation. And that is a "more" than can be replaced by nothing else. True strength can come to a nation only as the genius of the home pervades the whole inner life of the people. The home nations are the most enduring nations..."
Does this excite you! Don't let anyone tell you that you're JUST a Mum-you're a nation builder!!!

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