Heart Reflections Live
Monday, January 22, 2007
Home is a Nation's Foundation & its Best Defence

I love to learn from history, & the real-life people who made it. One of the great husband & wife teams of the 20th Century , I believe was that of King George VI & his Consort Elizabeth (our late Queen Mother).
World War 2 was a time of great turmoil.George VI (Bertie) was a shy & retiring man who never expected to be King, but with the support & love of his helpmeet Elizabeth, his courage soared & he rose to greatness. I love to read the many speeches & Quotes that fell from their lips during the war. They recognized that each home made up the foundation of the nation & if the families were strong, the nation would be unified. Elizabeth came from a Christian home where family worship was central & love & enjoyment flowed freely. She sought to have this same atmosphere in her married life, long before they suspected they would ever be ruling the country.
Here are some later quotes from the time of their Silver Wedding Anniversary:
The King spoke of his heavy burden, at times "almost too heavy but for the strength & comfort which I have always found in my home." The Queen also emphasized the values of marriage, home & family. She said,"There must be many who feel as we do that the sanctities of married life are in some way the highest form of human fellowship, affording a rock- like foundation in which all the best of the life in the nation is built. Looking back over the last 25 years & to my own happy childhood I realise more & more the wonderful sense of security & happiness which comes from a loved home."
How I wish our world leaders would speak like this to the nations today!

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