Heart Reflections Live
Friday, August 08, 2008
A Blessed Few Days
So here's a catch up for you! We had a fantastic family day on Saturday. We went garage-saling for treasures in the morning and got some fabulous bargains for very little cash. While there weren't a lot advertized in general over the coast, our nearest large town had 9- so we hit them all!! We got a decent looking pine tall-boy for the babies for just $5, a big pile of 40- 50 year old vintage children's books for $3, a designer jacket for Zara- $4, a lovely glass water jug for the table and a new looking Ikea Pie plate, an antique New Testament and Commentary 1st Edition from England and various other items for next to nothing!
After coming home for lunch, we had a family trip to Bli Bli's Fairytale Castle, which we really enjoyed. The vintage doll museum, fairytale diaramas, and international doll collections were great. I was determined to waddle up the top of the high tower, as I knew that with twins coming in November, it would be about 3 years before I'd get another chance to go- and I made it- huffing and puffing! It was a lot of fun.
The next day we were blessed again! Elderly friends of ours were decluttering, and gave us another Portacot, single bed sheets for the girls, some more vintage books, and some 1960's ? vintage tupperware. I was actually really excited with the extra tupperware as I'm going through our kitchen slowly, getting rid of cheap plastic items (EXCEPT for Tupperware, and some children's dinnerware) and replacing a lot of it with glass.
On Tuesday, we went to the big Brisbane Hospital for my 20 week ultrasound ( I'm only 19 weeks actually,even though I look full-term!) and we are expecting 2 very healthy identical twin boys! (If you know my parents PLEASE don't tell them- they want to find out the old fashioned way- after the delivery!) We have never tried to find out the sex of our other children, but as we save ALL our baby stuff and we are expecting 2, we wanted to sort through things before the babies arrive :-)
Oh, and another blessing in a funny sort of way... I woke up Monday morning with a mysterious sprained ankle, with no recollection of any injury. After hobbling on it for 2 days, by Wednesday it was excrutiating, and my wonderful hubby insisted I rest ALL DAY- apart from home school lessons- while he did all the housework. Am I a blessed woman or what!!
More posts coming- I have heaps of ideas swirling in my head at the moment!
Labels: family life, frugal living

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