Heart Reflections Live

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

She's Growing Up

Here is our precious Talitha at 6 1/2 years old. Look at those big earnest eyes... She is growing up in so many ways, her love for Jesus and her understanding of the Bible, AND SHE IS READING!!!!- amazingly well!
We've just returned from a 2 week break from homeschooling, and not only did she do a flawless reading of her page from her reader today, but straight afterwards insisted on reading one of her Franklin the Turtle books that we picked up garage- saleing on the weekend! She read with great fluency and expression, and only needed help with about 3 words in the whole book.
We've only been homeschooling since February and it's really paying off ( not that it costs anything!) We are about halfway through Don Potter's Phonics Reading List (free off the internet) and she is up to the Prep 4 book from the old Queensland School Readers- pre 1950's.
Maybe she'll be joining in our family read-a-louds sooner than I think!

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posted by Father's Grace Ministries at 7:18 pm


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