Heart Reflections Live
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Burnin' the Midnight Oil at 35 weeks Pregnant...

Since last Friday, I've developed a rare, late pregnancy condition called PUPPP. I have big itchy lumps and welts all over my abdomen, thighs, buttocks, top and bottom of feet, top and palms of hands, and it is now spreading over my arms, towards my chest. My hands and feet are PAINFULLY ITCHY. Is it dangerous? NO. What is the cure? None , except to give birth. The rash usually disappears within a week of giving birth.
The last few days has been a rush of medical appointments, seeking relief, and hoping for an early ceasearean, but the doctors want me to hang in there till Tuesday- Please pray for grace for me to endure it. I've been given anti-histamines, but they are very weak, and apart from allowing little pockets of sleep, aren't very effective. I can't use soaps or shampoo in the shower, and one natural relief treatment- Bi-carb and water really backfired. It nearly burnt a hole in my stomach, well blistered my skin anyway! I'm mainly alternating ice packs for relief and using Mylanta as a lotion- similar to Calamine but less drying. Also rubbing cut potato over some areas afforded short-term relief. So anyway, sorry about the midnight whinge, but I covet your prayers at this time. I handle pain far better than itching!
Counting down to Tuesday....
Labels: pregnancy, testing times

Dear Claire,
I have no idea what you're going through, but I still feel for you!!! I pray for spiritual comfort from the Almighty as well as physical ease!
BTW, the grey nappy bag I was talking about is after all a good use for us still, just realised it this weekend as we were away overnight. Sorry about that.
We're waiting for you news on Tuesday!!!
God bless,
Hello Claire,
I'm so happy for you. Just want you to know that I shall be keeping you close in prayers these next few days. May everything go well and may the Lord be with you. I cannot wait to hear news from you...this is so exciting!
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