Heart Reflections Live
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Finding Contentment

Our tiny, little house is choc-full of boxes at the moment, as we prepare to move to a much more spacious residence over the next week. We are all soooooo looking forward to the new house after living in such cramped quarters for the last 12 months.
Yes, I'm sooo looking forward... But what about now.... amid the chaos, the half-packed-half-unpacked belongings, the many boxes taking up our already limited space... How do I REALLY feel? Am I content?
I could go on all night about how great God's provision is, how awesome His love is & that would be true... but when asked about the Chaos? Don't ask!!! I want out NOW!
I know I'm truly not content in the midst of chaos, as I know I've been touchy & irritable lately, as I trip over corners of boxes & try not to stomp on the children!
God still has much perfecting work to do in this jar of clay. No matter how content we think we are ,unless we can maintain it in the midst of chaos, we aren't truly grounded in contentment. How such things can test us & show us the true state of our heart.
Praise God for His glorious grace & the fact that He'll always finish the work He has begun.

Amen, Claire! I pray the Lord will facilitate your move and bless you richly with the new house.
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