Heart Reflections Live
Monday, September 03, 2007
What Books are You Enjoying at the Moment?

What books are you reading & enjoying ( or not enjoying), at the moment? Blogs are a great way to compare notes on what is worth looking at or not.
Here is our current list:
-King James Bible (Bible in a year program)
-Uncle Tom's Cabin- by Harriet Beecher Stowe
-All of Grace- by Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Just As I Am- by Billy Graham
-Holiness- by J C Ryle ( soon to begin)
-King James Bible
-A John Bunyan biography
-The Master's Indwelling- by Andrew Murray
Children's Devotions:
-Leading Little Ones to God- Marion M Schoolland
-Volume 2 The Bible Story- by Arthur Maxwell (We work through this set slowly. Some nights we leave it out if the girls are too tired. Occasionally they pick a story from another volume. I love the reverent art work in these books, but they are S.D.A denomination, so if you get them, there's the occasional spot where you may have to alter something.)
Family Read-a Loud:
-Anne of Green Gables- by L M Montgomery
Plus numerous just for fun books, old fashioned children's books, library books etc.
What's in your reading pile at the moment?
Labels: Books, John Bunyan, reading, Spurgeon

I'm reading the Anne of Green Gables series right now and loving it. Although the later ones are not as great as the first in my opinion. Hannah and I are reading through the Jesus Said Bible Story books to get familiar with many of the stories in the Bible before moving on to more meatier studies next year. (Well as meaty a study as a pre-schooler can expect.)
I love the the Anne series, after reading most of them in my twenties.We have the books in order from the original to "Anne of Ingleside".I haven't read Rainbow Valley, which I believe is more about Anne's children.I've read "Rilla of Ingleside", the final book, but it devestated me (as far as books go),with the impact of World War One, & felt Anne's character became a bit bitter through time. I may buy the last 2 books later on, if our girls want to read them .
I'm also interested in getting The Story Girl, & The Golden Road, as I love Montgomery's writings, however I'll give her Emily series a miss, as a few Christian reviewers have described them as new-agey, or occultic in content.
Bless you for your comment. Keep up the reading to your girls. I think you're doing a great job with the time you have with them.
I have not hand too much time on my hands these days. I only have time to read that Ol' King James Bible which does wonders to my soul. :)
I love Anne and particularly Anne of Ingleside as that is about her raising her family of young children which is where I am at right now. Some of the descriptions in it are just lovely.
I noticed you have "Leading Little Ones to God" I have been through that one about three times with my children. We love it. I am giving it a rest for now though and have purchased "Training hearts, teaching minds" by Starr Meade. It is based on the Westminster shorter catechism and each question and answer is expounded upon in 6 short lessons from Monday through Saturday leaving Sunday free. It is so wonderful and I myself am getting so much out of it. It is a little more in depth but I just make sure I explain everything to the children so they can understand. I believe in teaching doctrinal truths to children when they are young. Bible stories have their place but do not grow young hearts in the same way.
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