Heart Reflections Live
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Australia...

My Australia is...
... sipping tea on the wide verandah of a "Queenslander"house, eating pumpkin scones, lamingtons, Tim Tams and Pavlova...
...enjoying vegemite toast and Sanitarium Weetbix for breakfast...
... depicted in the paintings of Darcy Doyle and John Bradley...
...Tree lined streets of Jacarandas and Red-flowering Tea trees in the Spring...
...rows of Terry Towelling cloth nappies waving in the breeze on the Hills Hoist...
...spotting sleepy-eyed koalas in the gum trees...
...Listening for the Kookaburra to herald the dawn birdsong at the break of day as all creation praises its Maker...
...The Cane Fires...
...the call of the Magpie, Bell Bird, and even the mournful sound of the Rainbird at flood times and cyclone season...
...Hubby in the garden with his Victa mower...
...standing teary-eyed at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier...
...Singing the little-known THIRD verse of our national anthem declaring Christ our Head and Cornerstone...
...looking with pride at our national flag, remembering our ties with Mother England and The Magna Carta which protects our religious freedom, and The Southern Cross constellation which hangs in our Southern skies showing the world exactly where Christ was pierced for our sins...
...The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit...
I pray all Australians here and over seas had a wonderful Australia Day Weekend!
Labels: Christian Heritage
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
9:24 pm
Friday, January 09, 2009
Now we are Five...

Yes, our little Zara has reached another milestone too, and as promised, now has a bike like her big sister!
Labels: family, Milestones
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
9:50 pm
Happiness Is...

The smile says it all!!!
Labels: family fun
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
9:47 pm
Our Miss 7

What could be a nicer way for a girl to celebrate her 7th birthday, than a special meal out at an Italian Restuarant with the most important man in her life- DADDY!!
Our little girl is growing up...
Labels: family life, Numbering our days
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
9:29 pm
Two Little Mamas

First holds at the hospital.
Labels: family life, The twins
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
9:05 pm
Signiture Colours

So how do you tell who is who? Christopher has a ruddier complexion than Zachary, and a slightly smaller head, for everyone else, at least for now,I'm putting at least one blue item on Zachary, and green looks great on Christopher.
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
8:53 pm
The Most Delightful Little Time Consumers

Zachary Elijah and Christopher Haddon- I love watching how they snuggle into each other as they sleep!
Labels: family life
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
8:43 pm
Sunday, January 04, 2009
THANKYOU for Praying!
Just a quick note to let you know that Max was fixed by 6am. ALL IS WELL!!! We are now getting ready for Church to celebrate another Lord's Day- God Be Praised!!!!
Thankyou for praying for us.
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
8:29 am
Please Pray for Max
I'd been meaning to post an "I'm Back" post the last couple of days but hadn't gotten around to it. Instead I'm posting a prayer request again to uphold my husband , Max, who has just gone off to hospital via ambulance again, for cardio-inversion No. 27. Please pray for peace and grace for Max as he undergoes another one, for God's hand of protection to be upon him, and competency in the Emergency team.
I prayed for him when he awoke in AF, and his heart rate actually slowed down a little by the time the ambulance arrived. I'm hoping and praying he'll be back in normal rhythm by daybreak- it's 3.30 am here now.
The twins and the rest of us are all fine. I had a longer than normal hospital stay starting from the last Saturday in November. The rash had spread all over me and Max came home to find me with a fever. I was admitted, but still had to wait till the 2nd December for my Ceaser, though they considered doing it earlier. Praise the Lord, I had no post-op complications this time, prayers were answered, but at 40, now 41, I found it that bit harder to recover ( it was my third major uterine surgery) so was in hospital 12 days, we then spent over a week at my parents' place while I recovered and while hubby continued to shop for a new vehicle to fit us all in! We finally got a Chrysler Voyager. We'd been shopping for months to find a people mover that had enough room inside not only for people, but for a twin pram and the other paraphernalia we carry. Our new van even has the letters "Jah" on the rego plate- how's that for God's stamp of approval!! We had no internet at Mum and Dad's, and then our computer crashed!, so we've been offline for a while.
Anyway, we covet your prayers for Max this Lord's Day, I'll let you know how it all goes, and plan on posting a testimony soon of how God has blessed us with our children. God bless you all.
Labels: testing times
posted by Father's Grace Ministries at
3:25 am