Heart Reflections Live
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
On Being a "Keeper At Home"

I have a saying that I love to quote to my friends:
"You can't be a "keeper at home" if you are not at home to keep it."
I don't know about anyone else out there, but those days when you're popping in & out all day for errands, do nothing to help my housekeeping skills. I need to semi-schedule at least, breaking my jobs into brackets during the day. If I can accomplish something in a space of time then I feel I've done something concrete with my day. I love to alternate between jobs & time with the children. When I am in & out all day the house is a mess.
If I am home most of the time, the house has a greater sense of order & then I feel free to enjoy a special family day out.
Does anyone have any tips to share?

Hi there,
This is Sarah, from That I May know Him.
Though I do not have any tips to share, being that I am still single, I wanted to tell you that this is a lovely blog.
During my "college years", I was very ambitious and couldn't understand how women could have no desire to have a good job. That is because my priorities at the time were wordly, and I am thankful the Lord convicted me and changed my ways. I now cannot comprehend how women can leave their home, their children rather, to pursue personal success. It's beyond me!!!!
I look forward to the day the Lord sends me a Godly husban, and gives me the gift of many children that I may be with them all day and teach them the fear of the Lord. That is true success. I do love that quote you share with your friends.
Sorry for my long comment, just wanted to encourage you concerning this blog. In Christ,
Hi there,
This is Sarah, from That I May know Him.
Though I do not have any tips to share, being that I am still single, I wanted to tell you that this is a lovely blog.
During my "college years", I was very ambitious and couldn't understand how women could have no desire to have a good job. That is because my priorities at the time were wordly, and I am thankful the Lord convicted me and changed my ways. I now cannot comprehend how women can leave their home, their children rather, to pursue personal success. It's beyond me!!!!
I look forward to the day the Lord sends me a Godly husban, and gives me the gift of many children that I may be with them all day and teach them the fear of the Lord. That is true success. I do love that quote you share with your friends.
Sorry for my long comment, just wanted to encourage you concerning this blog. In Christ,
Thankyou for your kind encouragement. I'm really enjoying blogging.
The credit for the setting up of the blog & my picture folder, must go to my wonderful husband.I'm such a low-tech girl that even electric toothbrushes are wasted on me!I'm getting better on the computer though.
Thankyou for visiting my blog & I pray that God would grant the desires of your heart as you remain faithful to Him.
God Bless You,
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