Heart Reflections Live
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Some of Our Favourite Children's Christian Books

I love getting ideas from other ladies in the blogosphere on things they do with or read to their children. I've received lots of tips from others in the past, so I'd like to share a list of some of our favourite children's Christian books. I'd love to hear from you if you've been blessed by the same ones or if you have your own favourites to recommend.
It seems the more commercialised the Christian Book industry becomes, the harder it becomes to find quality reading material for children. A lot of stuff is so worldly or tacky looking, we put it back & keep digging. Occasionally we strike gold! Anyway, here's our list:
-"The Princess & the Kiss" by Jennie Bishop
-"Just Like Mama" by Beverly Lewis
-"I'd Be Your Princess" by Kathryn O' Brien
-"The Candle in the Window" by Grace Johnson
-"The True Story of Noah's Ark" by Tom Dooley (Master Books)
-"A is for Adam"
-"D is for Dinosaur" both by Ken & Mally Ham
_"What Happens when Children Pray" by Evelyn Christsenson
-"Christian Mother Goose- Rock-a -Bye Christmas" by M. A. Decker. (This was a gift from our
neighbours when Talitha was born.)
-"My Bible Friends" set by Etta B. Degering
-"Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories" 1964 Edition
"The Bible Story" set by Arthur Maxwell.
( These last 3 are Seventh Day Adventist. They are excellent. There is less than 5% doctrinal stuff in them that we differ on- very easy to correct as you read.)
-Hymns For a Kid's Heart 1 & 2-Focus on the Family-These are great. They come with a CD each too!
I hope this list blesses you. I will be doing some future posts on the importance of reading to your children.

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