Heart Reflections Live
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Morning Tea With Zara in our Sunroom

We have a 1970's glass sunroom on the front of our new house. It's a lovely place to sit & read the Word or for the girls & I to enjoy morning or afternoon tea together. I especially enjoy my one on one time with each of them.
When Talitha is at school, Zara & I often take out a little snack each, I sit in my wooden rocking chair, & Zara sits in the pint-sized one. Zara will be 3 in January & is constantly amazing me with her articulate speech. She nearly floored me during our first morning tea together in the new house when out of the blue she said- "Shadrach, Meshach & Bendigo" & it had been ages since we'd read the story of the boys in the fiery furnace! Of course we read the story again... It blesses my heart so much to know my little ones have such a hunger to learn the Bible. I pray it continues & that they will grow to love the God who authored it.

Hi there! I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying your new house! Since I don't have your new phone number, please get in touch whenever you've got the time. I'd love to hear from you, Kaisa
That is truly such a blessing. I love it that you read the Bible with your daughter.
My mother always read the Bible to my brother and I. She would also sing hymns to us. Those moments will always be the most precious memories of my mother and I.
May the Lord make both your daughters virtuous women!!
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