Heart Reflections Live
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Labels: Christian Fellowship, Milestones
A Week of Secondhand Bargains!
The following Thursday we spent most of a day op-shopping in our nearest large town. We scoured 5 different shops, finding some dress shirts and other stuff for hubby, a gorgeous designer label dress and matching hat for our older daughter, a rainbow cardigan for Miss 3 and yours truly scored a near new pair of black mocassins, 3 long skirts (I love long skirts) and some more vintage books. I'll try to do a post soon with a photo of some of the children's books we've found lately.
It was a very productive day, and instead of supporting the multi-nationals, it was nice to know that the Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul, children overseas with cleft palates,Global Care and the Baptist Church all benefitted as well.
Labels: family life, frugal living, frugality, stewardship
Christmas Lessons

Christmas should teach us to be Christ to others all about us, that from our very garments may flow the virtue that shall heal and bless all who touch us. There are few people whom God calls to do great things for Him, but the best thing most of us can do in this world is to live out a real, simple, beautiful, strong Christian life in our allotted place. Thus in our little measure we shall repeat the life of the Master himself, showing men some feeble reflection of his sweet and loving face, and doing in our imperfect way a few of the lovely things he would do if he were here himself in our place.
-by J.R. Miller D.D.
Labels: Christian Witness, Christmas, Quote
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Christmas Family Traditions

Many of the community events we take our children to every year are totally free, and yet they help encompass what we feel a Christ- centred Christmas is all about.
On the Sunshine Coast, we always take our children to visit the living nativity display at the Bokarina Uniting Church. They vary the sets every year and do a truly excellent job. It's a way of taking our children back to the first Christmas, and then, once you have gone through the Church, you can join in the carol singing in the tent at the back, or take a family stroll around the nearby streets to see the Christmas light displays.
We also usually visit the Maroochy Baptist Church for a similar event. As well as re-enacting the first Christmas, they have a free musical, baby animal farm, cotton candy for the children and a church light display. We usually end up bumping into someone we know, so it often turns into a great night of Christian fellowship.
We also usually go to one of the community Carols by Candlelight events and target 2 or 3 different areas to drive through on different nights to enjoy the Christmas lights with our children. I tend to try to avoid the shops as much as possible this time of year, but will usually visit one of the major shopping centres at least once with the family to see the store window displays.
On the home front, we make much of the decorations we have, and enjoy singing along with our favourite carols. Being book lovers, we enjoy reading aloud from our collection of Christmas books, our favourites being, "The candle in the Window", "Red Boots for Christmas", "Christian Mother Goose, Rock-a Bye Christmas", and the accounts of the birth of Christ from Matthew and Luke in our King James Bible.
None of these activities cost anything but a little time and fuel, and are much anticipated events for our family. Our little one's get more excited by stories of angels and shepherds than of tales about the big guy in the red suit. After all, remembering that Christ has come, and will come again is the escence for us of what Christmas is all about.
What are some of your yearly Christmas traditions?
Labels: Christian Fellowship, Christmas
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Wiped Out
Our eldest daughter fell sick and feverish first. Three days later, she was basically over it, but Yours Truly picked it up and it thought it might stay a while. And it truly wiped me out. I fell ill on Tuesday, felt slightly better Friday morning, so I decided to cancell plans to go to the Doctor: Very Bad Decision. In the meantime, Zara caught it too, so I was trying to look after her as well. Thankfully children are very resilient, and after a few doses of Panadol( which we rarely use) Zara's fever had gone.
Anyway Friday night, I went downhill again, very listless, feverish and the following evening, hubby took me straight to the hospital (along with our elder daughter, who caught a touch of it again off me!). They put me on a drip and after finding my blood pressure was only 95 over 45, ordered another. Then I caused a commotion by nearly fainting on the way to the toilet!
Hubby had already taken both our children to stay at my Mum and Dad's for the night, and we both finally joined them at nearly 2 in the morning. They all went to Church, next morning leaving me at my parent's place to recuperate till they joined me after lunch.
It had been a long time since I'd missed a Lord's day at church, so that felt a bit weird, but I was so grateful for the rest and prayers from family and friends. I'm on the mend now, back getting our home in order again, and really looking forward to the Christmas season.
Labels: testing times
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
God Answers Prayer

Monday, December 03, 2007
Talitha's Unplanned Musical Debut!!
We went to a fund-raising concert in our local town hall to raise money for the hall which we hire for our Sunday church services. It was an Australian themed night with bush poets, school and town choirs, comedy singers, bands and a Dad n Dave Comedy play. Intermission was coming to an end, and I was finishing off from helping serve desserts in the kitchen, when I heard the M.C. announce something, and then I heard my eldest daughter's voice clear and confident in the microphone singing the hymn "Holy, Holy, Holy"! I rushed round the corner to see her finish her shortened version to an enthusiastic audience.
I was so proud of her, but also humbled when she shared how it all came about. The M.C. came up to her asked her name, and if she'd like to sing a song. She said yes of course. I asked later why she had picked "Holy, Holy, Holy", and she said that she was looking and listening to all the people standing and talking outside during intermission and she said that none of them seemed to know Jesus and they were all talking about bad stuff and she felt she needed to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy".
Oh, how I pray she'll always desire to be salt and light in this fallen world. People came up to us afterward and were really touched by her performance. Standing up for righteousness and Holiness in a world that is neither, takes courage and guts. Saturday night she showed us that with the Holy Spirit's help, she can have both.
Labels: Christian Witness, community, Talitha